Following the judging of
Photolucida's Critical Mass--in which
my entry passed the
first level of 175, but didn't end up in the
final 50--the organizers kindly sent out comments that jurors had toward the submitted work. Here are those comments.
* Close but not enough individuality.
* Entry is a bit dead in comparison to the others. Great application of the tones and graininess to the subject matter and yes you have some wonderfully tight compositions for some incredible architectural finds, the edge of nature amidst only adds.
* i find these too decorative and with uneven style/printing. others may love them. i would tighten up the printing and lose the vignetting while keeping the simple and graphic-- as some are. bk (Me: Maybe I shoulda mentioned the toy camera vignetting issue)
* Love the compositions. Wish I could see the actual prints as the process sounds very interesting.
* Lovely series! Thanks for sharing it through Critical Mass.
* Nice work. I have a hunch that seeing them on a display does not do them justice.
* poetic
* Very nice!
* You definitely captured the turn of the last century sensibility with some very contemporary subjects. I was completely involved, inthralled, captured. Sigh. Lovely.